BLOOD GROUPING ( 10x10ml | 3x10ml | 4x10ml )

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Blood Grouping Anti ABD (3x10 ml)

Blood grouping reagent

3x10ml Test Procedure

Kit Component (3×10 ml)

Anti ‘A’ Monoclonal- 1 bottle of 10 ml.
Anti ‘B’ Monoclonal- 1 bottle of 10 ml.
Anti ‘D’ Monoclonal (IgG+IgM)- 1 bottle of 10 ml.

Blood Grouping Anti ABD AB (4x10 ml)

4x10ml Test Procedure

Kit Component (4×10 ml )

Anti ‘A’ Monoclonal – 1 bottle of 10 ml.
Anti ‘B’ Monoclonal – 1 bottle of 10 ml.
Anti ‘D’ Monoclonal (IgG+IgM) – 1 bottle of 10 ml.
Anti ‘AB’ Monoclonal – 1 bottle of 10 ml.

Blood Grouping Anti A (10x10 ml )

10x10ml Test Procedure

Kit Component (10×10 ml)

Anti ‘A’ Monoclonal Antibody- 1 bottle of 10 ml for 1×10 ml pack size.
Anti ‘A’ Monoclonal Antibody- 10 bottles of 10 ml for 10×10 ml pack size.
Instructions for Use.

Intended Use:

Test for qualitative detection of ABO antigens on human RBCs by immunoagglutination method.


The mouse monoclonal IgM Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-AB antibodies are produced “in-vitro” as culture supernatant of selected hybridoma, obtained by the fusion of mouse antibody producing B-lymphocytes with mouse myeloma cells. Monoclonal sera ANTI-A, ANTI-B and ANTI-AB are specific IgM immunoglobulin which are directed against the human red blood cell antigens A, B and AB respectively. Monoclonal sera immunoglobulins are produced from individual cell line hence they are identical in their chemical structure and biological activity. The Rho (D) antigen is found on erythrocytes of approximately 95% of the Indian population. The terms “Rh” positive or “Rh” negative are understood to refer solely to the presence or absence of this antigen accordingly. Anti D (Rho) monoclonal IgM is used for the detection of the presence of Rho antigen on the red blood cells.


Procedure Qualitative only (Slide Test), Semi-quantitative method (Slide Test) as well as Quantitative method (Tube Test)
Procedure Time 1 min for qualitative and semi-quantitative method
Sample Type Serum only
Sensitivity Up to 1:320 dilutions in Semi-quantitative and Quantitative test method
Pack Size 10×10 ml
3×10 ml
4×10 ml
Storage Temperature 2- 80C
Shelf life 18 months
Kit dimensions 10×10 ml – 160x210x40 mm.
3×10 ml – 85x105x45 mm
4×10 ml – 85x105x45 mm
Production Capacity 600 mn ml per annum